

Client feedback, and things you'd like me to know

When I finish working with someone I routinely ask them for feedback to help me improve the work that I do and the services I offer.  

Below is a selection of feedback that I have received from clients I have worked with in therapy and, at the bottom of the page, in other roles.

If you would like to provide feedback following a course of psychological therapy then please use the button below to access my online feedback form. To provide other kinds of feedback please use the Contact Form / details you will find further down the page.


What others have said following therapy sessions...

Work with Eating Distress and a Long Term Health Condition

What did you gain from the work?
"An understanding of mindset which enabled practical changes which in turn changed every day life."

Do you have any other comments about the service you received?
"The care I received was professional, considerate and tailored to my needs... I have gained skills that will enable me to tackle any future twists and turns in the road!"

Received in March 2017, from a young woman. Her words are quoted verbatim from the online questionnaire she completed, they appear here with her consent.
Work with Low Mood, Chronic Shame and Self Criticism

What did you gain from the work? 
"Will helped me to understand the causes of the difficulties I have had and gave me a huge range of tools to use in the future. Through Compassion Focus Therapy he helped me to be kinder to myself and less self-critical. He helped me to achieve the goals we set out and far more too. I have already recommended him - he is so approachable and makes you feel completely at ease"

Received in May 2017, from a mother with a young family. Her words are quoted verbatim from her online questionnaire responses, they appear here with her consent.
Work with Low Mood and Anxiety

What did you gain from the work?
"I have been able to understand my life and the things that are causing me problems. Wills approach has been excellent. He has opened my eyes to the important things in life. I have now reached a point where life is much more satisfying and I am coping with situations that were weighing very heavily on me.

Received in November 2016, from a man in the middle of his life. His words are quoted verbatim from the online questionnaire he completed, they appear here with his consent.
Work with Eating Distress and Body Dissatisfaction

What did you gain from the work? 
"Complete lifestyle change regarding eating and body image"

Do you have any other comments about the service you received?
"Really useful personalised work tailored to my individual needs"

Received in September 2016, from a young man. His words are quoted verbatim from his online questionnaire responses, they appear here with his consent.

Do you have something to tell me?

You can feedback using the contact form and do do not have to give your name or contact details unless you wish to.

You can also contact me using the details below:


07900 895 822

Postal Address
Dr Will Devlin
Hampton House, St Michael's Hill, Cotham, Bristol

What others have said following professional development work...

West London GP's Eating Disorders Master Class

"A fresh approach to a difficult area ... Powerful quotes from service users. Useful resource list."

"I will feedback to my GP colleagues and do a flowchart for my own and surgeries information."

"Great to be flexible & responsive to the group."

"Great list of useful sites and resources - thanks"

Verbatim quotes from post session evaluation forms, November 2015.
Student Support Services: Eating Disorders 101

"A fantastic course with a mix of stats and information that will help me in my job and generally brilliant thanks!"

"As someone who had a relative who suffered anorexia I found it really helpful in understanding her reactions to food and possibly my own.

What did you find most useful?
"Reinforcing behaviours, vicious circle model"
"Case studies so relevant to our work"

Verbatim quotes from post session evaluation forms, July 2015.

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